Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Portrait or Tiye from Ghurab Egypt

Fowling scene from the thomb of Nebamun

Senenmut with Princess Nefrura

Imhoter, stepped pyramid of Djoser, Saqqara, Egypt, Thurd Dynasty, ca. 2630-2611 BCE

Akhenaton, colossal statue from the temple of Aton Karnak,Egypt

Entrance hall Djoser precint, Saqqara, ca. 2630-2611 BCE

Portrait statue of Mentuemhet from Karnak, Egypt 26th Dinasty ca. 660-650 BCE Granite

Death mask of Tutankhamen Egypt, 18th Dinasty ca. 1323 BCE gold

Temple of Horus Edfu, Egypt ca. 237-47 BCE.

Temple of Amen-re Karnak Egypt 15-13th centuries BCE

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Introduction What is Art History questions

1.Why does this building look natural when the top and bottom lines of this building are not parallel?
The building looks natural because the lines create the illusion of the viewers perspective directing their sight to the sunset in the background.

2.Why is this boat in the foreground much larger than the sailing ship in the background?
The boat in the foreground is much larger than the sailing ship in the background because the artists wanted to show the depth perception in the painting. Objects that are further away from the viewer tend to get smaller and smaller.

3.Why would a 17th century French painter set a biblical story in a contemporary harbor with a Roman Ruin?
The artist Claude Lorrain spent most of his life in Italy and was best known for his landscape paintings. He most likely set the biblical story based on the beauty of the buildings and landscapes he saw during his time in Italy. 

The Cave of Forgotten Dreams

The Cave of Forgotten Dreams Film Guide
1.    When and where was the cave discovered?
The cave was discovered in Southern France in the year 1994.

2.    Why was a door installed into the opening of the cave?
A door was installed because the entrance was too narrow. The door was also installed to not compromise the climate of the inside of the cave.

3.    Where were the red spots discovered and how were they made?
The red spots were discovered very deep into the cave. It is believed that the red spots were made by a man’s hand.

4.    What was the first proof that the drawings were not forgeries?
The first proof that the drawings were not forgeries was because it would take thousands of years for calcite to form around the paintings.

5.    Why did the scientist believe that the artist created the bison with eight legs?  What other possible reason do you think that this might have been done?
The scientist believe that the artist created the bison with eight legs to suggest movement. I believe they created the bison with eight legs to tell a story and show moment.

6.    What possible landmark was near the cave?
A possible landmark that was near the cave could have been the Pont d’Arc natural bridge.

7.    Why did the filmmakers think that there might have been dancing in the cave?  The filmmakers believed that there could have been dancing inside the cave because of the movement of the shadows produced by the light of the torches used in the cave.

8.    What does the presence of bones indicate?
The presence of bones indicates that animals were present inside the cave. Animals that are long extinct.

9.    How did they know that one person created the red dots in different parts of the cave?
They know that only one person created the red dots because of the hand characteristics. The person’s hand had a crocked little finger that stood out in every red dot. The person’s hand was also found printed deeper in the cave.

10. What animal is combined with a woman?
The animal that is combined with a woman is the bison.

11. What was discovered in 2008?  What material was it created from?

The Venus of Honle Fels was discovered in 2008 and its created out of mammoth tusk.

12. What was most significant about this cave to you?

The most significant thing to me about the cave was how well preserved the paintings are. It also amazes me how talented these people were and how they were able to tell a story without using the written language.